
About Our Company

SIPL Textiles Private Limited

SIPL Textiles business model has predominantly been to do contract work for Garment Exporters and Domestic Distributors & Wholesalers.

In the World of Fast Fashion; fabrics & designs change every few months and there is constant Research & Development that takes place predominantly in the West on the latest trends and fashion.

To keep up with these dynamic changes it is essential for SIPL Textiles to consistently keep creating newer and newer designs for its customers based on past trends and fashions. SIPL Textiles today has a range of over 10,000 designs in its Design Library well documented and stored for Customers & Presentations.

Besides the above the Garment Exporters Give Concepts of the Designs to SIPL Textiles which we then develop keeping in mind the quality and price sensitivity of the product.

Then the Design & Fabric Selected by the Retailer is given to us for mass production.